Dr. rer. nat. Utz-Uwe Haus

I am working at the newly founded Cray EMEA Research Lab (CERL).
Previously I was a senior researcher in Applied Discrete Mathematics and Optimization at the Institute for Operations Research at ETH Zürich, a junior research group leader at the Magdeburg Center for Systems Biology (MaCS) (a FORSYS center of the German BMBF), PhD student and PostDoc at the Institute for Mathematical Optimization of the University of Magdeburg, and student at Technical University of Berlin working at Konrad-Zuse-Institute Berlin (ZIB) and here.


My List of publications including BibTeX-entries can be found on a separate Publications page or through my Google Scholar profile; some are linked on Researchgate.


My main research topics are in Applied Discrete Mathematics and Optimization. I am particularly interested in the application of Discrete Mathematics in financial and traditional engineering, systems theory, biology and medicine as well as more traditional Operations Research.

I was a partner in the Nplast Marie-Curie Initial Training Network, and co-PI in the MINO project. I also take part in the COST TD1207 action and was affiliated with the SYBILLA EU FP7 consortium.

Check out the Rearrangement Algorithm Project website, a fascinating method linking bottleneck assigment problems and computation of numerically sharp lower and upper bounds on the distribution of a function of a number of dependent random variables having fixed marginal distributions.

Software Projects

Teaching (while at ETH)

Fall 2014:
Lecture Introduction to Mathematical Optimization
Spring 2014:
Seminar Geometry and Optimization
Fall 2013:
Lecture Systems Modeling and Optimization
Spring 2013:
Seminar Combinatorial Optimization and Applications
Fall 2012:
Lecture Systems Modeling and Optimization
Spring 2012:
Seminar Combinatorial Optimization and Applications
Spring 2011:
Seminar Robust Optimization

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